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After the Nobel peace prize, the hell war prize

After the Nobel peace prize …

the Hell War Prize is awarded jointly to Benjamin Netanyahou and Yahya Sinwar.

hell war prize after Nobel peace prize

Unfortunately, it seems that there would be a lot of candidates for this kind of award of evil and stupidity.

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What is laicity in France?

In France beliefs are seen as strictly private matters.

There you can pray to Notre-Dame of laicity to protect the country from attempts to infringe secularity.

French laicity is secularity

As commonly represented in ancient pictures, Lady of laicity wears a red robe, color of divinity, a blue coat, color of the earth and a white veil.

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It ain’t warm

Of course sleeping in an igloo is n’t the best place to feel warm. At dawn is certainly not easy to warm up.

Mountain dwellers have more experience in the matter. Trust them. They know the reason.

Why ain't it warmer in mountain bivouac

More about Picturat experience as mountain trooper is coming soon on the future French site. 

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Variant rises among children

Covid variant of playing catch


What happened to my screen?

Never leave your laptop on, even for a few minutes…

Finding her laptop with screen rotated sideways
Laptop not usable with screen rotated
Cat walking a keyboard shortcut

… ask the cat about keyboards shortcuts


Asymptomatic covid

Afraid to get covid
Covid can also be asymptomatic

Did you ever felt an absence of symptoms?


Social distancing made easy

Everyone wearing an XXXL Mexican hat during the pandemic would make social distancing easy.

Catonn showing people in a queue wearing large mexican hats in order to secure social distancing during Covid.

… as long as we don’t need to walk through a door.


Birthday celebration during Covid

Let’s keep cake and candles !

She uses her hair dryer to blow her Covid birthday cake candles.


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