Business & Work

So much happens at the office, and so much is unexpected.

And what about some business theory … in cartoons of course.


Simplification is a great project for your organization.

So what are you waiting for to simplify? 


Efficient cost reduction

Manufacturing is under permanent pressure to reduce costs. Consultants will help to solve the issue.

Consulting to reduce costs 1/3
Consultants help to reduce costs 2/3
Consultants reduce costs 3/3

A fresh look at your problems often provides out of the box solutions. 


Just one page

The boss is always right:

Draft a one page memo for the board
How to fit all in one page

Bosses are also a great inspiration for cartoons!  


A simple management process

In management of large companies you need to get familiar with transformation processes.

Announcement at the highest level
Large groups run many projects at the same time
Problem to complete the plan

Oops! It looks like this leg of the project has just been fractured!


Laptop as luggage

The nice thing with a laptop is that you can take it as luggage.


Laptop plugged

What are the chances that the screen survives this perfect flight? Mine didn’t.


Safety first

Safety comes first!

Here is the cheapest way to guarantee the safety of your products with an example : The safety socket.

Safety sockets should protect you
Safe pluging in safety socket
Unsuccessful safety socket plugging attempt
Careful plugging process
Plugging in safe socket is tricky
Blocking safety socket
Desperate attempt tp plug in
No way to plug
Not using is always safer

Next time you meet a problem to plug in a safety socket think about me.


Laptop left unattended

Never leave your laptop unattended. You never know who is going to take a look at it.

Two cats on a keyboard

Meo-oops !


Laptop at tea time


Laptop, paper and pen

Before wrecking the screen
A pen damages the screen
The screen is now wrecked

This is pro zero paper, or even better zero pen!


Laptop during Xmas time

Laptop smells strange near advent candle


What’s a Niche Market ?

A niche market is a market where customers pay more to satisfy specific demands. This looks like an enviable place sheltered from the dog fight simply focused on  prices.

Niche means also doghouse in French
Full dog house
beware of a too narrow nich market

Unfortunately it also attracts competitors and the dog fight is back. From my own experience as a group controller it’s hard to keep away competitors once they have specialized in the niche products. It’s just as difficult for you to move on yourself. The worst is when a refurbisher and second hand dealer still dreams to join the club when it’s already overcrowded.


How to schedule a conf call

Do you find this challenging when there are many mandatory attendees?

Don’t worry, there are no problems, only solutions!

This fellows selects the perfect slot
All participant are free every day at this time because this is their lunch break.


Attending meeting from home

Home office is cool, isn’t it?

Conf call cartoon. The manager wants to see everyone.
. I do not turn on my camera because I am shaving.
Conf call cartoon. I do not turn on my camera. I just showered.


Attending mass conf calls

How can you finish your work when you have conference calls to attend to about how you are progressing all the time?

By the way, Hi to those who have yet to attend the next call!


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